We want to target the smaller companies about to make a jump in size. We're not going to get Sun or Cisco to move here, but we can go after the faster growing companies that are about to move away. --Matt Shelton of JR Parrisish Commercial Real Estate in making an appeal to the Scotts Valley City government to subsidize real estate advertising quoted in www.santacruzsentinel.com
I will listen to anyone's convictions, but pray keep your doubts to yourself. --Goethe
It takes only weeks to strip down our constitutional freedoms when we are concerned about our safety, but more than 18 years about regulating a business? --Busy Burr in the www.mercurynews.com
Memory is not wisdom; idiots can by rote repeat volumes. Yet what is wisdom without memory? --Tupper
There's only one remaining chapter in this fascinating spectacle. Negotitating the terms of Hillary's surrender. After which we will have six months of watching her enthusiastically stumping the country for Obama, denying with utter conviction Replublican charges that he is the out of touch, latte sipping elitist she warned Democrats against so urgently in the last, late leg of her doomed campaign. --Charles Krauthammer in the www.nytimes.com
Funny how the populist politicians want to keep the price of gas high; who do they think high gas prices affect the most? -- JD Deal
Before you give up hope, think back and read the attacks that were made upon Lincoln. --Bruce Barton
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