"As senators on and off the committee, [including] Republicans, begin to know more about all of this, their comfort level is starting to come up a bit," Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus said.
Getting comfortable is bad news for the people, Mr. Chairman....,
Common sense tells us that the government's attempts to solve large problems more often create new ones. Common sense also tells us that a top-down, one-size-fits-all plan will not improve the workings of a nationwide health-care system that accounts for one-sixth of our economy. --Sarah Palin quoted in the Wall Street Journal.
a little bailout for you, a little bailout for me, a little more bailout for me...ha...41 minutes ago from web
On Sunday, the U.S. announced the recent missle test was a flop. On Monday, the North Koreans said it was a success. On Tuesday the U.S. says it was maybe not a total failure. No wonder folks are starting to watch youtube to get unbiased reporting...ha...
"White House Aides deciding what is best for Detroit automakers is like dentists performing brain surgery." --JD Deal
How is it possible that someone who was so likeable and so inspiring while running for president could, day by day, be so unlikable and so uninspiring as president? --Ruben Navarrette
I can't tell you how long it will take, what obstacles we'll face along the way, but I promise you this: There will be brighter days ahead. --President Barack Obama
After denying having anything to do with crafting language in the stimulus bill that allowed bailed-out insurance giant American International Group to keep its bonuses, Sen. Christopher Dodd admitted that he and the Treasury Department were responsible for the loophole. --CNN.com
Pakistan went from an oppressive right wing regime to an oppressive left wing regime...change they can believe in?
jackddeal what bothers Ms. Brown is that she thought certain groups were right because other groups were wrong...really? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal what Brown misses is that the Obama response to the meltdown is another stimulus package...what change? help on the way? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal and just why should I listen or read Ms. Brown's colletivists comments? does she actually believe "don't worry --help is on the way"? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal why didn't she bother asking these 'tough questions' during the election when it really mattered...it doesn't matter now...duh... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal she asks where is the real change and why Hillary? duh...naive is not the appropriate word... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal why in heaven's sake this amateur is getting 'air time' is beyond reason...where is the substance? now she complains... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal Campbell Brown was one of many biased journalists during the election that simply avoided the inconvenient truth...what her worry? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal now the reporter Campbell Brown is ranting on Obama for not answering questions about his lack of real change...why now? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal so get ready boys and girls...all of this meltdown mess has just begun to work itself out...paying for past sins will cost us all... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal as usual, the poor electorate simply must suck it up and hope for the best...regardless of how the chips fall... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal so when we look at a 30 year political career, we may in fact be looking at one year's experience 30 times...that is, one year in reality... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal in business when we look at experience, we look at the finer aspects of experience...doing the same thing 12 times is not 12 tilmes better less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal even the illegal aliens I meet on the streets (I speak Spanish) are heading back to Mexico because the American Dream is no longer...ha... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal VP elect Joe Biden will come in real handy with his 30 years of "gridlock" experience... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal so here we are bailing out the 'crooks' and good folks that were misled get squat... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal more and more folks are seeing the meltdown as an indictment on how government fails to meet it's promises...for the people? groan... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal all the people Obama is putting around him are political insiders from the old guard...but it's a new world folks...ha.... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal doe "political golddigging" count as real world experience? groan... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal since Obama won the election by default, who needs a bold economic policy? "help is on the way" should be enough...right? ha... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal Obama certainly has all our enemies scratching their collective heads...whassup, doc?...ha... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal not that it matters what kind of foreign relations experience Hillary has...ha...remember the bullets in Bosnia? ha... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal and let's not forget change agent Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense in the Bush Administration...better known as "Senor Change"... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal with the world in such a mess, I feel a whole lot better now with Hillary as the Secretary of State... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal Change We Can Believe In: Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson, Ted Daeschle, Paul Volcker... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal so get ready boys and girls...all of this meltdown mess has just begun to work itself out...paying for past sins will cost us all... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal as usual, the poor electorate simply must suck it up and hope for the best...regardless of how the chips fall... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal so when we look at a 30 year political career, we may in fact be looking at one year's experience 30 times...that is, one year in reality... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal in business when we look at experience, we look at the finer aspects of experience...doing the same thing 12 times is not 12 tilmes better less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal even the illegal aliens I meet on the streets (I speak Spanish) are heading back to Mexico because the American Dream is no longer...ha... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal VP elect Joe Biden will come in real handy with his 30 years of "gridlock" experience... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal so here we are bailing out the 'crooks' and good folks that were misled get squat... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal more and more folks are seeing the meltdown as an indictment on how government fails to meet it's promises...for the people? groan... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal all the people Obama is putting around him are political insiders from the old guard...but it's a new world folks...ha |
jackddeal Mitt Romney said GM shouldn't be bailed out...Mitt always was so clever...ha... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal actually John Edwards would make a good GM CEO; he's got the hair and the morals to go with it...ha...low blow, eh John? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal some confused Senator even suggested that the government appoint a new management team to run GM and Ford...Alan Greenspan maybe? ha.. less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal the UAW said they made big concessions but just what were those concessions? it's really hard to make the bailout argument... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal so Obama now is showing that change we can believe in is change as usual...or rather politics as usual...right Ted? ha... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal politics is even more anachronistic than archaic business models...like Ford, GM, and Chrysler...how much of that car is really American? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal Big Three and UAW farce is really a comedy of errors...private jets while Rome burns...ha...does the average UAW line worker make $57/hr? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal next to the financial news the political news is fluff...how come some media still think there's an election going on? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal Hillary wouldn't have ambitions, would she? that's a scary thought...she'd love to run against Sarah...ha... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal guess Obama's honeymoon is over...Al Quaida is calling him ugly names and his clan is upset half his picks are Clinton's people... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal Hillary Clinton and Ted Daschle...change we can believe in...ha... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal if government was largely responsible for the meltdown; how can we expect govenment to do much to fix the problem? groan... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal can no one in government think of anything for the economy than the weak "stimulus plan"? come on, where's the beef? ha... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal but really, if the guy never gets any sleep we are in real trouble... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal it really is irritating to keep hearing Obama called "The One" when he makes gaffes like "mutt like me"....groan...hopefully it will improve less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal overheard in line at the grocery store: "this is the first time we elected a President that has never accomplished anything...really? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal hopefully he will not do like his campaign and pick mediocre folks for key positions...now is not the time... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal perhaps the most disconcerting thing is the staff meeting to 'fix the economy' -- so far only more stimulii...not a confidence builder... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal unfortuntately Obama looked worn out at his press conference and we've seen before when he's tired he speaks before thinking... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal very inauspicious beginning for Prez Elect Obama -- goofy gaffes -- the dog's a "mutt like me" and Nancy Reagan having White Houes seances less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal if government was largely responsible for the meltdown; how can we expect govenment to do much to fix the problem? groan... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal can no one in government think of anything for the economy than the weak "stimulus plan"? come on, where's the beef? ha... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal but really, if the guy never gets any sleep we are in real trouble... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal it really is irritating to keep hearing Obama called "The One" when he makes gaffes like "mutt like me"....groan...hopefully it will improve less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal overheard in line at the grocery store: "this is the first time we elected a President that has never accomplished anything...really? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal hopefully he will not do like his campaign and pick mediocre folks for key positions...now is not the time... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal perhaps the most disconcerting thing is the staff meeting to 'fix the economy' -- so far only more stimulii...not a confidence builder... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal unfortuntately Obama looked worn out at his press conference and we've seen before when he's tired he speaks before thinking... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal very inauspicious beginning for Prez Elect Obama -- goofy gaffes -- the dog's a "mutt like me" and Nancy Reagan having White Houes seances less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal free and inquiring minds can cure all ills and solve all problems... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal actually the only hope we have is that enough of us twitter enough to counter the conformist gridlockers...ha... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal that's why we twitter...we don't need no stinkin' editors to tell us what to say! ha...say it ain't so, Joe.... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal how you can watch the same debate and get two totally biased and opposing views does not speak well for journalism as a trade... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal 2008 will be known as the year of the demise of network journalism...it's not what is, but what they want it to be...groan... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal the whole trick with 'spreading the wealth' is determining who is the spreader and who is the spreadee...ha.... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal in the old days 'spreading the wealth' was communism...at least that was what we were told...ha... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal doom and gloom sets in when you realize it may take years before your house appreciates and once again matches your mortgage... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal conventional wisdom says don't sell low but conventional wisdom doesn't say where and when the breakeven point arrives...agony... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal one sideshow horror is having an inflated mortgage limit one's flexibility, such a moving somewhere else...it's a horrific trap... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal the greatest anxiety is caused by having the fundamentals change, such as real estate going down in price... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal what risk aversion or risk assessment is given to a farmworker signing up for a subprime mortgage? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal the fact is that lobbyists, special interests and political interests simply superceded the entire system... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal earlier in the week I was next door to a mortgage firm that had sold subprimes to farmworkers and there was a steady stream coming in... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal was a bad risk analysis (VaR) model responsible for the downturn or was it just that everybody in the system was on the take? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal as we look at finger pointing on the downturn we find it depends on which party's perceptual glasses one peers through... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal it's hard to separate the issues from the partisan efforts to create and maintain gridlock... 1 minute ago from web |
jackddeal it's also interesting how a feeling of self-righteousness has struck boths sides of the isle...system flaws? 2 minutes ago from web |
jackddeal in one biased cable political show the female host actually sneers at those who disagree with her network's point of view...journalism? 3 minutes ago from web |
jackddeal it is also clear some candidates are totally unclear about certain major topics...a bit scary to say the least... 5 minutes ago from web |
jackddeal at times when some of the candidates speak it is obvious they are attempting to tell us what they think we want to hear... 9 minutes ago from web |
jackddeal this distortion is increasingly disconnecting reality from politics; the net result politics is becoming increasingly irrelevant... 10 minutes ago from web |
jackddeal the problem with politics is it distorts reality according to our perceptions... 12 minutes ago from web |
jackddeal odd that slowly but surely some of the biased reporting shows are fading away to the Twilight Zone; even preaching to the choir gets old... 16 minutes ago from web |
jackddeal some cable news channels aren't even pretending to be unbiased anymore; they openly admit bias and that is their claim to ratings... 17 minutes ago from web |
jackddeal just caught part of the debate but it was crazy; one channel had it 75-25 Biden and another 88-12 Palin; did they watch the same debate? 18 minutes ago from web |
the more the clowns blast Sarah, the more coverage and more popular she becomes...groan... 08:43 AM September 13, 2008 from web | ||
meanwhile all the other Demos are still blasting Sarah though Obama is attacking McCain...splintered effort? groan... 08:42 AM September 13, 2008 from web | ||
and where's Joe? the two stories on Joe in the wires are about his sister saying he is leader and how his media coverage is nil...groan... 08:42 AM September 13, 2008 from web | ||
a quick glance at the polls shows Obama slipping...where is the turnaround strategy? groan... 08:41 AM September 13, 2008 from web | ||
my fellow Demos are becoming angrier at the weak campaign Obama is running... 08:40 AM September 13, 2008 from web | ||
the Big Campaign Day yesterday for Obama fizzled; the hurricane and tit for tat accusations took Obama clear out of the picture...groan... 08:40 AM September 13, 2008 from web | ||
Biden: "As my pop used to say, it's not how many times you get knocked down. It's how quickly you get back up." 02:49 PM September 12, 2008 from web | ||
CNN :a week earlier, Biden gave the press corps the slip and sneaked off to the law school class he's been teaching in Wilmington, Delaware, 02:48 PM September 12, 2008 from web | ||
CNN: The bigger story was the new face, Palin, who helped McCain draw crowds of 20,000-plus while Biden took questions at community centers 02:47 PM September 12, 2008 from web |
jackddeal the latest Zogby poll has McCain up by 5 points...why does this seem so much like deja vu? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal one scenario could be a lot of griping by Demos hampering all efforts at party unity...especially all the petty minded Hillary supporters... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal Obama's biggest problem may be his eroding support in the so called swing states; that middle America that McCain is focusing on... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal perhaps the convention can turn things around for Obama but it could also bring a couple of new black eyes... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal it does appear that the Obama campaign made the big mistake of underestimating McCain; why would they do that? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal is acting cool acting presidential? what are they thinking? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal both candidates are showing how patriotic and religious they are; the inference being that it's easy for politicians to feign both... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal but it seems like Obama needs a campaign staff shake up that keeps him away from untimely vacations and all his hot air... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal just because he should be 15 points ahead in the polls doesn't mean he isn't running a good campaign so its not fair to assert causation... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal as military man McCain copies a woman's strategy (H. Clinton), Obama continues to slide in the polls; he's been on the defensive for a month less than 5 seconds ago from web |
since Axelrod and Burton are now obviously working for 'the other side', how can the campaign remake itself? how about a vaudeville theme about 13 hours ago from web | ||
mistake after mistake culminating with Good Ole Boy Joe Biden and there we have it...the laying of a great big egg...what strategy? about 13 hours ago from web | ||
it's as if about 5 weeks ago someone called "time out" and the Obama staffers became zombies... about 13 hours ago from web | ||
today there were more 'smears' against Sarah...what low brow campaigners these two are...and where's Joe? studying up for the debate? about 13 hours ago from web | ||
Thanks to Burton and Axelrod Obama is now actually behind in the polls...and it looks like Laurel and Hardy are clueless... about 13 hours ago from web | ||
CNN.com reports the latest Gallup poll today - Sunday has McCain over Obama 48-45...in sports it's called a fade... about 13 hours ago from web | ||
one commentator had a good point: how is all of this going to play out in Ohio? and Michigan? and Pennsylvania? groan... about 22 hours ago from web | ||
'that's because we have a secret strategy that we are going to unveil any day now' was my answer...groan...what secret strategy? about 22 hours ago from web | ||
could be you guys are on a steady decline, ruminated one of my Repub friends... about 22 hours ago from web | ||
Burton obviously has the mindset of 'playing fair' by giving away all of Obama's advantages...what a nice guy...groan... about 22 hours ago from web |
jackddeal the fact that as a party we were not able to come together and pick the best VP candidate, who just happened to be a woman...why? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal "how dare the Repubs run a woman" said one Demo lady, "that was our territory." Duh. Was. But we failed, no? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal Joe's in the library doing research on what Sarah might say...groan... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal all this in less than a week...goes to show what a weak campaign team can do...groan...it's probably too late now...groan...where's Joe? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal If the good Senator Barbara is jumping on the bash Sarah parade, we are doomed...Obama can't gain control of the runaway surrogates... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal Flash: Rosie Allen on KGO quotes California Senator Barbara Boxer as accusing Sarah of being an "extremist." We are totally out of control. less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal since I gave up all hope I feel a lot better... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal actually tonite all McCain has to do is show up; Sarah's already done all the work...and Chairman Burton et al send out kneejerk reactions less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal Ron is right when he says we need to calm down and speak more rationally, if we can quell our anger for a second or two... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal and since we here in N. Cal. are irrelevant in the Nov. election, Ron et al are simply preaching to the choir... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal like Ron Owen says, Demos need to stop the whining to deflect attention; the more we whine, the more attention she gets... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal when all us N. Cal. progressives act like crybabies, it just plays right into the Repub strategy...we whine and they gain advantage... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal thanks to our inept strategy, Sarah is now simply dominating the media...in Silicon Valley we use the term 'buzz'...she has it, Joe doesn't less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal one Gay Demo called Ron and said it was OK to attack Sara's family because she doesn't like Gays...groan...it's a slippery slope, Burton... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal Ron and friends have spent a lot of effort building their fantasy world and are angry and dejected to see it start to wobble... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal a caller reamed Ron Owen on KGO for playing right into the Repubs hands...it's not just Ron, but many other sell outs as well... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal maybe Burton feels everyone is simply clinging to their guns and religion... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal in sports, if your game plan stinks you fire the coach; in business, if you don't make money you fire the CEO...but in Demo politics...sigh less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal the truth is the Repub campaign has been unifying and our campaign divisive... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal so my pal asks, 'we have Country First', what do you have? ha...groan...change? really? let's ask Status Quo Joe... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal perception is reality and if Obama is judged to be unable to run a campaign he will also be judged unable to run a country eh, Burton? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal overheard over coffee: if he can't manage a campaign, how can he manage the country? groan... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal Where's Hillary when we need her? groan... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal Joe calling Sarah's speech 'style not substance' will play well on talk show jokes as Joe is renowned for many words with little meaning... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal to which I reply, 'we'll sick attact dog Good Ole Boy Joe on em'... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal my smiling Repub friend says 'now that the Obama campaign is officially smearing Sarah and attacking babies, what will they think up next?' less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal McCain's stragists know us better than we do ourselves... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal our campaign has alienated Hillary supporters and now is trying to alienate all women...groan...it's as if McCain knew how we would react... less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal where's Good Ole Boy Joe? at his hotel watching Sarah on TV? maybe he can pick up a few good pointers...he needs them... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal Burton and Axelrod are forcing Obama into a corner where he might make desperate decisions...like keeping them on his staff...groan... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal at what cost, Chairman Burton? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal the strategy is wrong, the decisions are wrong, the management is wrong...in school, that would mean Burton and Axelrod both get F's less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal maybe it's not a good idea for Obama to debate Sarah... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal the name Sarah is not only the most searched word on the Internet but the first name of every baby girl born in the past week... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal in football, if the offensive coordinator keeps calling dud plays the coach replaces him... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal so Obama finally gets on the air and he's talking about the Republican Convention...where's Burton et al? watching Sarah videos? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
is Burton's campaign mismanagement democracy at work? hardly...it's more like strings of bad decisions coming from a flawed strategy..groan about 2 hours ago from web | ||
in this process Burton and Company are solidifying the right and alienating the independents...duh? groan multiple times... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
Obama may have told the press that he will fire anyone that attacks Sarah's family but that is just what they are doing...fire Burton! about 2 hours ago from web | ||
the small towners, Christians, blue collars, farmers, small business owners, women, students and others will be alienated...groan... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
if we anger the Evangelicals, God bless 'em, they will rise up in anger and what do we think the swing states are made up of? about 2 hours ago from web | ||
again, fire Burton asap and gain control of the surrogates which are out of control...all negatives toward Sarah will be credited to Burton about 2 hours ago from web | ||
are we getting stupider? by attacking Sarah's daughter we Demos are cutting our proverbial throats...the backlash will be awful...groan... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
are we too stressed and strained to make good judgements? don't we look badly when we appear out of control and backward? about 17 hours ago from web | ||
our Demo braintrust needs to refocus, clean house and move on... about 17 hours ago from web | ||
Obama has to find some new surrogates quickly that don't appear boorish and prejudiced...being stupid may feel cute but it loses votes... about 17 hours ago from web | ||
truth is Chairman Burton and Donna Brazile don't even realize they are hurting the Obama campaign with their childish comments...groan... about 17 hours ago from web | ||
Donna Brazile et al make us look like low rents... about 17 hours ago from web |
because by lowering Sarah's expectations you raise Joe's meaning he's going to have a flawless, sparkling debate against her, no? 04:49 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
so go ahead guys, act cool and pick on the 'good looking' girl and have a laugh...maybe you could be so kind and explain just what's funny? 04:48 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
it's interesting to now see some say Sarah's experience is equivalent to Obama's except for she hasn't run for President for years and years 04:46 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
don't take it personally Joe, you know we love you...it's just you've been in Washington politics since we baby boomers can remember... 04:45 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
Expect Joe to come out any minute now and accuse Sarah of not being a soccer mom and that a hockey mom is an entirely different thing... 04:44 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
Good Ole Joe is gonna give the other side all the sound bites they need...right Joe? groan... 04:41 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
Sarah acts real; Biden acts goofy... 04:40 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
if Obama doesn't fire Burton then McCain gets the edge of having more intellectual horsepower...advantage, McCain... 04:40 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
so why not fire Burton and company right now and get on with it? 04:38 PM August 31, 2008 from web |
Burton obviously thinks Mid-America is like Berkely...groan...all this anti-mom and anti-family blather will be credited to Obama...groan... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
McCain doesn't have to be the major strategist; all he has to do is let Burton continue to drag the Obama campaign sideways...groan... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
look at Barrack's face, Burton, he's worn out again just like that stretch against Hillary and being tired he is prone to mistakes... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
is Burton on the Repubs payroll? groan...Obama should be 15 points ahead and now he's facing the reality of a defeat... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
now we are relying on Burton's strategy to pull us through and he disses small towns...groan...and his female surrogates going after mom... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
if Burton had insisted Obama had picked Hillary all of this would be moot; an Obama Clinton ticket would have walked in...why not? about 2 hours ago from web | ||
it can be a daily stream of bad campaign decisions that give away all our Democrat advantages...groan...your strategy is flawed, Burton... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
if it's a dead heat on Nov. 4 Obama will lose and then he can blame it all on Burton...groan... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
like Burton and the other trigger happy zealots they hurt their cause and are providing motivation for the enemy...groan... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
by attacking the family we are perceived as attacking America and that doesn't play well outside of Madison and Santa Cruz...groan... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
it's crystal clear that Burton hates mid-America and just what does he think those swing states are? groan... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
in another month it will be too late for Obama to retool and the chips will fall where they will...on a hope and prayer in the swing states about 2 hours ago from web |
right now as I check the wires it's all hurricane, McCain and the canceling of the RNC rally in St. Paul...the only Demo news is our flubs 03:58 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
maybe Ralph Nader would be a sport and loan Obama some better campaign folks...groan...asking Ralph for help? Ralph said pick Hillary... 03:56 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
so the only way the GOP could win is if we Demos set up the perfect storm for them and that is just what we are doing...groan... 03:55 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
the Obama campaign better stop worrying about Sarah's experience because the wire's say she has equivalent experience to Obama...groan... 03:55 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
if McCain is elected, Sarah comes through and becomes the GOP nominee in 2012 and Hillary is nominated, that will guarantee a woman prez... 03:54 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
if Barrack doesn't clean out his campaign staff in the next week he might certainly lose a race is was his to win... 03:53 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
wouldn't 'good looking' be some considered some sort of slur by the feminists? groan...groan and another double groan... 03:52 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
well, when Sarah cleans simple Joe's clock at the debate we'll see if he has more to say about her than 'good looking'... 03:51 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
for over a month McCain has beaten us strategically every single day and that's why it's close and up for grabs...groan... 03:50 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
McCain is all over the news and our Barrack says it looks like Chernoff has got it under contol...groan....groan and double groan... 03:49 PM August 31, 2008 from web |
if strategy is everything ours stinks having brought the race to a dead heat and put McCain in a position to win...why? about 2 hours ago from web | ||
in sports the last thing smart teams do is taunt their opponents before the game because that gives the enemy motivation...duh and groan... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
for the past five weeks this inner circle has made mistake after mistake and nothing has been done to correct it...groan... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
somehow Obama's inner circle have not only brought him to this mess but are taking him to a Novemberr meltdown...groan... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
perception is reality and if Obama supporters attack family they are attacking mom and apple pie as well...Obama can blame it on Burton... about 2 hours ago from web | ||
if you can't control the surrogates then they will do whatever no matter the consequences...a weak manager like Burton makes it worse... about 3 hours ago from web | ||
so the glee with which Obama supporters are attacking Sarah's family may feel good to them in the short term...but Obama will suffer...duh? about 3 hours ago from web | ||
doesn't Burton understand they will play his comments that small town experience isn't really experience...duh... about 3 hours ago from web |
even Mayor Negin sounded better...he made sense and got to the point...Negin for VP! 07:51 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
it's impossible to win when every decision you make is a dud...groan...send Dean and Burton to Angola... 07:48 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
we are doomed to the Twilight Zone irony of being so very close yet so very far...groan... 07:46 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
even the Repubs were afraid of Hillary as VP...groan... 07:46 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
I joked last week about Laurel and Hardy but never expected it to be a prophecy fulfilled...groan...fire Burton now! 07:45 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
I feel so much better that Obama assured me Chernoff has it all under control and Biden has let me know that Sarah is good looking...sharp! 07:44 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
we Democrat men sure do love the ladies...not necessarily ours, but ladies nonetheless... 07:42 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
the fact that Sarah is better looking than his wife is apparently of great significance to Joe... 07:42 PM August 31, 2008 from web |
apparently Joe, in the great Democratic tradition, has an eye for the ladies...groan... 07:41 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
let's hope in the debate Joe doesn't address his counterpart Sarah as 'honey.' 07:40 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
if you can't control what you say you could end up saying almost anything... 07:39 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
if you can't control what you say, how can you control what you think? 07:39 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
hey, Joe, how about a few words off the cuff? 07:38 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
hey, good lookin', what ya got cookin', how's about cookin' something up with me...groan... 07:35 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
JFK picked Johnson; why couldn't Obama have picked Hillary? groan... 04:58 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
we're not desperate, we're Democrats! 04:53 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
we're not desperate, we're Democrats! 04:53 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
What are we thinking? Fire Burton before it is too late! 04:51 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
'Our families are a little different' she could say in a VP debate, 'Joe's son is a lobbyist and mine is a soldier.' 04:51 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
it's going to be a real negative if she thumps him and if Good Ole Joe doesn't get his act together it certainly seems like she could... 04:50 PM August 31, 2008 from web |
Burton must have figured Good Ole Boy Joe was longer winded than Barrack and that would look good...right? 10:35 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
Democrats of the world unite! Sarah's husband for VP! 10:32 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
Why does Sarah vs. Good Ole Boy Joe have that Dukakis feeling? Joe will be respectfully reminded that he is no Hillary... 10:31 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
we didn't count on being outfoxed...groan... 10:26 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
replace Burton with Bill Clinton...even Pat Buchanan said Hillary would produce the winning ticket...what did he know that Burton didn't? 10:25 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
we have a right to be ticked off...we're Democrats! 10:23 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
it damages morale when campaign staff are incompetent; time to can Burton... 10:22 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
lest we forget and Sarah needs to remind us; Sarah runs a State; Good Ole Boy Joe runs a committee...and we Demos will be reminded... 10:20 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
A McCain VP choice equivalent to Obama's would have been Mitt Romney...safe and secure but not Sarah for sure... 10:18 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
Alaska has Canada and Russia for neighbors...doubt the Canadians will invade but not so sure about the Russians...ask Sarah... 10:16 PM August 31, 2008 from web | ||
some relatives email...'we thought Obama would pick a woman.' 10:15 PM August 31, 2008 from web |
so what's new? politicos, at least some, will say whatever it takes to get elected...the ends justify the means...what a system! about 1 hour ago from web | ||
so Obama wants to send more troops to Afghanistan and drill for offshore oil...his policies are sounding more and more like McCain's about 1 hour ago from web | ||
Nancy is very afraid petty Clinton supporters won't back Obama hoping a McCain win will giving Hillary a straight shot at 2012... about 1 hour ago from web | ||
we need a good third party and not a Nader or Ron Paul clone... about 1 hour ago from web | ||
when was the last time you heard a Demo standing up for small business and the working folks? just a barrage of elitism and slurs... about 1 hour ago from web | ||
that's the problem with my party, the Democrats; we have ceased to stand for anything and all our stances are anti or against something... about 1 hour ago from web | ||
it's good Nancy Pelosi flipped and now supports offshore drilling because we all thought that the only policies she had were anti-Bush... about 1 hour ago from web | ||
Nancy Pelosi is trying to win over some Clinton backers that are opposed to Obama...is that why Nancy now flipped for offshore drilling? about 1 hour ago from web |
it's gonna be a long fall... about 3 hours ago from web | ||
must we be exposed to ads saying Hillary and John McCain are experienced but Barrack America is not? hey, that was reason to pick her, duh about 3 hours ago from web | ||
somehow, someway, somewhere, there is Howard Dean behind all of this; the the Democrats counter to Dick Cheney... about 4 hours ago from web | ||
maybe what we Democrats should do is throw in the towel and vote for Nader or Ronnie Paul, hey, who says there are no real alternatives? about 4 hours ago from web | ||
If my side wins, we expect you to come over and pay homage to us; the victors. In case you are uncertain, you are the vanquished... about 4 hours ago from web | ||
Obama's people complain Clinton's supporters expect Obama's people to go to them...ohmuhosh no! loser's weepers as the saying goes... about 4 hours ago from web | ||
one senior Obama supporter says Hillary's people are like, “Japanese soldiers in the South Pacific still fighting after the war is over.” ... about 4 hours ago from web | ||
by not having Hillary, the Obama campaign has decided to let this one get close...more fun for the fans no? more dramatic? about 4 hours ago from web | ||
so if she would have taken the VP if offered; there can be no rationale that she didn't want it in the first place so why vet? about 4 hours ago from web | ||
so now we hear Hillary would have taken the VP job if offered; whassup? about 4 hours ago from web | ||
enough of Laurel and Hardy...like Popeye used to say, I yam what I yam... about 12 hours ago from web | ||
hard to tell who is more arrogant...Obama or Hillary...the Hillary folks are quiet and angry...Hillary in 2012? what about now? groan... 02:50 AM August 24, 2008 from web |
yeah, like real change is coming from all that gridlock experience that Biden has... 06:06 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
if image is everything then just what does Biden do to enhance the ticket? 06:05 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
the wind been kicked out of the Obama campain's sails...making Obama more desperate and doing things like attacking McCain's wife..smart? 06:04 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
you can hear the groans going into the convention...Dukakis is our middle name... 06:03 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
lack of imagination, lack of guts, lack of something...but like Nader said what isn't lacking is lots of stupidity... 06:02 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
the first to congratulate Biden was 'the other side'; and why not? they love it as almost no one else does... 06:02 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
there goes the Change theme...Biden is a fossilzed Washington insider...the trade off was change vs. experience vs. the safe road... 06:01 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
like Ralph Nader said, Obama isn't stupid enough to pick Joe Biden...huh? 06:00 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
groan, groan, groan...life as a Democrat is not easy...what a dud VP choice in Biden...groan, groan... 06:00 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
part of the zip loses steam when you say you will take the high road and not go negative and then proceed to do so... 05:49 PM August 20, 2008 from web |
the local college kids have stopped their Obama furor; where did their zeal go? what are they thinking that has changed their attitude? 06:15 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
my fellow demo friends are shaking their heads; do they sense another August meltdown? 06:13 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
If Obama is showing us he can't manage a campaign and has chameleon principles, what would he do as president? 06:12 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
Hillary, a potent party powerhouse, wasn't even vetted by Obama's people; what an insult and demonstration of pettiness... 06:11 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
Is Obama so smart he doesn't need a 'diversity' of advisors? Is he surrounding himself with folks that tell him what he wants to hear? 06:10 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
How can a campaign make strings of really bad decisions? The answer lies with the flawed decision making process... 06:09 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
All the Hillary supporters are primed and ready to put on their show and won't that look our party just look bad? 06:09 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
Odd to see the reactions to Biden: he talks too much, makes too many bad goofs and is the supreme Washington insider... 06:08 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
Biden: safe, boring, predictable and zero courage... 06:07 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
if Washington insiders are the 'problem' then just what is Biden? 06:07 AM August 23, 2008 from web |
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In fact there are several thousand business execs near my house -- Silicon Valley -- that are real executives...why not them for Prez? 02:33 AM August 24, 2008 from web | ||
I kept wondering watching the videos of the boo-boos and thinking one really does not see this with business executives...funny or sad? 02:32 AM August 24, 2008 from web | ||
our guys make gaffes when they get too over excited...where is the self control? sad... 02:31 AM August 24, 2008 from web | ||
why does this seem like Laurel and Hardy? Barrack America? The Bush - McCain White House? Biden - the Next President? groan.... 02:30 AM August 24, 2008 from web | ||
how far can pettiness go; foolish arrogance in not liking the not likable Hillary...will this in hindsight be a fatal error? 02:29 AM August 24, 2008 from web | ||
my Repub friends are ecstatic; the biggest fear they had was that Obama would pick Hillary and they would unite...go figure... 02:28 AM August 24, 2008 from web | ||
the Repubs just released an ad showing a Demo debate where Biden says that Obama is not ready to be President...groan...groan... 06:40 AM August 23, 2008 from web | ||
going into the convention; we Demos must be wondering if we will ever win a presidential election again... 06:16 AM August 23, 2008 from web |
the implication is that their live staff is unable to actually undestand what their company does, so best visit their website for real info about 4 hours ago from web | |
Have you recently heard someone tell you on the phone, "go to our website and it explains everything?" about 4 hours ago from web | |
is it a question of who do you love or who do you trust? about 4 hours ago from web | |
is the New York Times/ National Enquirer debate reason enough to eliminate the filtering middleperson? about 4 hours ago from web | |
the National Enquirer; bastion of truth! The New York Times; all the news we choose to print. or not. about 4 hours ago from web | |
the National Enquirer gets results whereas the productivity of the CIA is vague at best... about 4 hours ago from web | |
It's obvious the CIA should contract themselves out to the National Enquirer who has more informers than anyone...period. about 4 hours ago from web | |
No media cover up on the Edwards affair? Does this mean I should start to get my news from the National Enquirer? about 4 hours ago from web | |
In San Jose at least the line between real and virtual is becoming thinner and thinner. about 4 hours ago from web | |
In downtown San Jose, California it is not uncommon to see an outside business sign that is a website address. about 4 hours ago from web | |
what makes this guy Ruben Navarette such an expert and why can't he back up his opinions? too subjective for scrutiny? about 4 hours ago from web | |
Yao Ming for head of the United Nations! about 4 hours ago from web | |
some like it hot, some like it cold; some like it in the pot nine days old... about 4 hours ago from web | |
peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold; peas porridge in the pot nine days old... about 4 hours ago from web | |
what is the point of adding up columns and rows of numbers? isn't that why the calculator was invented, to avoid having to do that stuff? about 4 hours ago from web | |
ah to Twitter away the time...hey, it beats Sudoku... about 4 hours ago from web | |
the comment has been made that the young female gymnasts do not look like young females...some look like lab designs...CAD perhaps? about 4 hours ago from web | |
every four years we watch swimming and wonder why...NASCAR anyone? about 4 hours ago from web | |
Yao Ming for NBA Commissioner! about 4 hours ago from web | |
don't worry if your candidate loses because there will essentially be no difference no matter who is elected...it's the nature of gridlock about 4 hours ago from web |
by managing expectations we can manage frustrations and managing frustrations is a whole lot better than confronting frustrations... about 4 hours ago from web
the best approach is to lower our expectations and not expect anything to come out of gridlock; that way, if by fluke something does, ole! about 4 hours ago from web
one gets elected by telling us what we want to hear; not what we need to hear. is this the best we can expect? about 4 hours ago from web
politicians by definition have no moral character so why do we keep pretending they should have morals? just how does one get elected? about 4 hours ago from web
it is our good fortune to only have to endure this madness once every four years...why should I be concerned about sneaky hotel trysts? about 4 hours ago from web
what if, what if, what if... about 4 hours ago from web
Would Hillary have won had the press been fair and published Edwards' affair early in the primaries giving her more votes and the win? about 4 hours ago from
What if Obama picks Joe Biden? about 4 hours ago from web | |
What if McCain picks Carly Fiorina? about 4 hours ago from web | |
These smaller businesses that once were located at a specific physical location now locate themselves at a specific location online. about 4 hours ago from web | |
Increasingly many small businesses and professionals are realizing it is not necessary for them to have a physical presence. about 4 hours ago from web | |
Cash flow-wise the office and store rental numbers don't match; hence the old adage 'working to pay rent'. The business model is flawed. about 5 hours ago from web | |
Being too small means one can't squeeze out enough margin and ultimately profit, the lifeblood of any business. about 5 hours ago from web | |
And most small retail spaces are too small for service businesses like restaurants or beauty salons. about 5 hours ago from web | |
Janitorial and cleaning, up. Employees and office help, up. This means that a smaller retail store must sell higher ticket items... about 5 hours ago from web | |
Meals at work are up. Childcare, up. Business attire, up. Utilities, up. Furnishings and decor, up. about 5 hours ago from web | |
Or not going to any store and buying what they want online. about 5 hours ago from web | |
Some customers in some markets may have to choose between going to Your Store and going to Wal-Mart. about 5 hours ago from web | |
Commuting costs to and from work are up. Gas is up. about 5 hours ago from web | |
Triple Net, maintenance, parking fees and other fees associated with commercial rentals are up. about 5 hours ago from web |
our very own Nancy Pelosi in favor of offshore drilling? first Barack and now Nancy? where's the beef? where are the principles? about 1 hour ago from web | ||
since I gave up all political hope, I feel a whole lot better... about 14 hours ago from web | ||
what is most comforting to know is that whoever is elected will have "negative politics" as their foremost capability... about 14 hours ago from web | ||
so if Edwards had come clean, Hillary would have won Iowa and would be the next President instead of John McCain... about 14 hours ago from web | ||
there's no doubt what Spitzer was thinking; what was Edward's thinking? about 14 hours ago from web | ||
at least Spitzer's girl was slinky and 21; good choice! Edward's sweetheart was 42 and looked like a hustler; bad choice! about 14 hours ago from web | ||
the dirt's still coming from the Enquirer; we need to subcontract these guys to the CIA... about 14 hours ago from web | ||
heard the latest? what do you get when you cross a polician with a hustler? full coverage by the National Enquirer... about 14 hours ago from web | ||
the real definition of a cease fire here is 'keep coming'... about 14 hours ago from web | ||
was the Russian invaision of Georgia timed to cause damage to coverage of the Smogolympics? about 14 hours ago from web | ||
Free Tibet? Free Georgia? about 15 hours ago from web | ||
barred by the Google God...or Goddess; their Googlenesses... about 19 hours ago from web |
jackddeal So who are you voting for Dad, Laurel or Hardy? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal if you don't respond to attacks then you will be perceived as weak and like the playground kid that refuses to play by other kids' rules... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal the candidate's rule is to not be put on the defensive...it is tough to actively defend yourself and attack your opponent at the same time less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal that's right dad, he replies sarcastically, I'm just waiting for you to tell me who you are voting for! lamentably, he has a point... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal Good for you son! at least you're not voting for that kooky Ralph Nader! less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal poor kid, he tries, but what do I say when he says "Dad, I finally figured it all out...I'm voting for Ron Paul!" less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal why are we doing this? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal How can not-having-any-talent be an integral part of celebrity status? Is this something I should really be worrying about? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal Why should I care who wears trucker's caps? Is there really something about trucker's caps I need to know? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal Why was Jerry Lewis carrying a gun in his luggage? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal maybe it does for some, maybe they somehow see the silver lining in an otherwise bleak situation, maybe they are just fooling themselves... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal the parade of clowns supposedly representing my best interests, and the country's best interest, does not instill any sense of confidence... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal somehow it just seems hard to see where this polilitical gridlock is doing any good for me or my country... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal Is gridlock better than anarchy? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal when you create a system that eventually tends to a balance more commonly known as "gridlock"; you have created a flawed system, no? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal it's not what is in the best interest of the country; but how the idiots on the other side got it all wrong and are about to stick you... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal it's not what kind of quality movie we can make but what will the herd of sheep flock too in quantity? it's not about quality, but wants less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal to prove my point on the preceding point; just think of Hollywood, California and Washington, D.C. less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal sorry, it's all relative anyway and it easily can get to the point where absolutely none of it makes any sense... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal hello? the families suffering from high gas prices aren't the ones making $150k a year... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal and in this case, the opponent does not cease making blunders; what does that say and just what does that mean? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal it's sort of like soccer where you jockey for position the whole game through hoping your opponent makes the big mistake... less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal why should we really even care if John Edwards is sneaking out on his wive at 2:00 AM? Edwards is, or at least was, a Democrat, no? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal if all the politicos acknowledge that the small and medium sized companies create most of the jobs, why aren't they addressing them? less than 5 seconds ago from web |
jackddeal do we still believe the fairy tale that government creates jobs? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal in all the political hot air blah blah, who is mentioning the medium and small size businesses and the skilled workforce that supports them? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal if I support Hillary, should I vote for McCain so Obama will lose and Hillary will be the Chosen One in 2012? less than 5 seconds ago from web | ||
jackddeal In web sales and marketing terms you want to look for the conversion or next step from your target audience. 16 minutes ago from web | ||
jackddeal After you determine you goals, you should assess how appropriate is your site in meeting those goals. Who is your target market? 18 minutes ago from web | ||
jackddeal But as the saying goes, without a map or plan you can end up anywhere and anywhere is not smart business, especially in marketing. 18 minutes ago from web | ||
jackddeal those companies and individuals that are leveraging web technologies for marketing are gaining strong competitive advantages 19 minutes ago from web | ||
jackddeal if your website is "disconnected" from your marketing plan you will join the millions of business owners that have static websites... 20 minutes ago from web | ||
jackddeal you and your company have a strategy whether it is informal, formal, written or simply by "default;" that is, reactive rather than strategic 21 minutes ago from web |
It was a masterful campaign right through to Texas. Just before Texas Obama admitted they had let up for a few days and could have perhaps won or closed the gap with a stronger finish.
This was to my recollection the first time Obama admitted his campaign had made a mistake. Up to that point it was by most accounts a masterful campaign; in fact, an almost perfect campaign.
But as we know now, that was the calm before the storm.
First came the Michelle Obama comments that she had never been proud to be an American until her husband ran for office. Whew. There's one that will come back before November.
The Swift Boat propaganda masterminds will somehow create an image of her being First Lady and trying to represent the country she is not so proud of. Whew.
Next came the very Rev. Wright or as he is now called the Rev. Wrong. Willie Brown, perhaps one of the most savvy Democrats and former Speaker of the California Assembly and Mayor of San Francisco, nailed it on the head.
Willie said the real pros when they make the decision to go for high office look all around themselves and clean up the rough spots anticipating the vetting process. Obama did not do that thinking he and his message were above all the pettiness. By the way, for those that aren't aware of it, Willie Brown is African American.
Obama's explanation of the Rev. Wright was OK for his supporters but insufficient for his detractors. Does Obama expect everyone to believe he sat in the good Reverend's church for 20 years and simply not hear Wright's anti-American rantings? Of course lots of folks do sleep through church...
But the real problem with the good Reverend is yet to come. The Swift Boat propaganda machine will bring up, as Vice President Dick Cheney said at the recent press convention, the prospect of the Rev. Wrong giving invocations at the White House. Whew. That won't play well in Peoria and a lot of other places.
And then there's the ex- terrorist and "English professor" William Ayres. He and wife Bernadette Dohrn are quite the darling couple and have a loyal following amongst the progressives at the University of Chicago where he is a "Distinguished Professor."
Obama said he was only eight when Ayres and company bombed the United States so what's the big deal? The big deal is just how will that play in Peoria and the odds are it won't play so well either.
It will play about as well as Obama's elitist statement that rednecks cling to their guns and religion because they are bitter about the economy and their government.
Whew. He may have been talking to the liberal progressives out here in California but his message will be relayed to every small town in the land.
Now it appears the clouds are gathering over what now increasingly appears to be a defective campaign. His explanations and complaints about rising above it all show either contempt or arrogance or both.
Many Americans take very seriously their President's loyalty, character and judgment, something the Obama campaign has vastly underestimated.
Arrogance is the only explanation.
Obama is a really smart guy and he likes entertaining others with his brilliance. He likes to "show off" and "wing it" and that's what gets him in trouble. Like a night club comedian he lives or dies off the audience's reaction; that's why he says things like small town folks are bitter and cling to their religion.
As a "typical white person" it's not really about Democrats like me, who really don't care what preachers say and don't pay attention to what clowns like William Ayres say.
It's my friends in the South and Midwest that are crying "foul." These folks are white, Reagan Democrats or Arnold Republicans. They are centrist, patriotic and by many experts the so-called swing vote.
For Obama they unfortunately don't forgive and forget and they are spreading the word.
By all accounts Obama is a very smart person and I voted for him in the California primary. His mistaken views of economics and proposals for an all powerful government would have been issues for the fall but now they will play second fiddle to his loyalty, character and judgment problems.
In an election the Democrats simply could not lose it appears it is now a real race and one we Democrats can definitely lose. And in the end it may well be Obama's arrogance that leads to his downfall.
Like Dick Morris said, the biggest problem we Democrats have may turn out to be that Obama is our party's nominee.
We Americans are a selfish bunch often becoming "patriotic" only when it helps our pocketbook.
Our vote has become a self interest vote which is part of democracy's strength and also part of its weakness. The poor vote one way and the rich another; the poor vote hoping to get a free piece and the rich vote to keep all of their pieces and not have to share any. Or something like that.
The undecided straddling the middle cast the swing votes; they hope to give a little and get a little and not take too big of an overall hit.
The neither rich nor poor get caught square in the middle or "middle class" as it is often called. The Twilight Zone might be a more appropriate name.
For example. When a politician promises to create jobs they neglect to tell their uninformed electorate that government does not and cannot create jobs. Taxing Peter to "create" a job for Paul is not job creation but a form of legalized theft.
It's called bad government and it's not what government does well and it is simply untrue to say that it does.
Entrepreneurs create jobs. Government can only create and maintain the economic conditions that help entrepreneurs create jobs.
What we don't hear are politicians encouraging entrepreneurs; politicians just increase the cost of doing business. Subsequently entrepreneurs usually see government as setting up obstacles rather than creating positive economic conditions. Is this surprising?
So when politicians tell you bad trade agreements are responsible for your company going bankrupt and your losing your job, they are fooling the foolish.
An uninformed electorate is supposedly a bad electorate but opportunist politicos love it when voters are not able to think and reason for themselves. Or just don't know.
In this air of non-traditional patriotism stockholders and industry want a bail out when things fail. Bankrupt homeowners want a bail out when they speculate and lose. The educational system wants more money yet continues to be out of step with the educational needs of a modern, technological society.
Are you better off now than four years ago? The question implies that if you aren't better off now you can vote for Politician X and that will change. Like it or not, the truth of the matter is that government has become increasingly irrelevant in the modern world.
The two meaningful parties in the U.S. have the electorate fooled into thinking we are fighting for our very own selfish interests. What they neglect to say is the pact they have with each other is commonly called "gridlock" and is somehow supposed to represent our best interests, checks and balances and all that good stuff. Really?
The liberal lie is "You can have a bigger slice of the pie if you vote for me." The conservative lie is "let's not change anything because that way we benefit the most and above all else we don't want to give that up that relative status."
Neither side is very willing to help the general populace as they are already committed to helping their own focused support base. That is how they raise money, get elected and the turn the proverbial worm.
Of course as societies become self-centered and greedy they become weak, corrupt and hasten their own downfall. We may not want to believe this depressing news but there has never been an example otherwise.
But the politicians simply don't care as seen by their actions. Theirs is a short term vision just as the CEO's is for the next quarter. The only time the politicos ever go into the factories and machine shops and diners is at election time.
What we have created is a gridlocked, cultural sporting event compromise instead of looking at what is best for America. This is what we wanted; should we be surprised we have gotten it?
What America needs is not the false hope of a government induced comfort zone but a government that challenges its electorate and creates opportunities for all to do better. Doing better is what America does best or at least in the traditional sense of patriotism.
But we get what we deserve and we deserve some of the politicians we get. Those politicians like to keep us confused.
Shame on all those politicians. But bigger shame on us. We can clearly see that social evolution has exceeded government's and politics' ability to respond. By nature government and politicians are reactive and not strategic.
And in a rapidly changing world increasingly irrelevant.
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